The scheme set up by J.K Rowling may provide an angle for us all.

So the story goes…
When Harry Potter first arrived at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he was frustrated when the Sorting Hat suggested that he join the Slytherin house instead of the Gryffindor, which he’s always wanted.
The wise wizard Albus Dumbledore saw his confusion and said,
‘It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than out abilities.’
Harry then became more courageous over time, facing one obstacle after another. The decisions and the experiences develop his personality of bravery the Gryffindor house endorses. Meanwhile, the traits of ambition and cunning of the Slytherin house, while still haunted him momentarily, were soon out of the picture.
What’s the takeaway?
Change your perspective from finding out who you are, to defining who you are.
You can imagine and create your own personality.
You need to first believe in THAT. Yet, fully choosing who you are and will become is rare. Changing oneself can seem daunting. The process is unpredictable and uncomfortable at times. But in the end, having the courage to choose is the ultimate freedom everyone has.
Until next time. Ciao!
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Content inspired by the book, Personality Isn’t Permanent, by Benjamin Hardy.